Individual Project Final

Value of the Timebox

  • Keep track of what projects were done at certain weeks
  • Library of past lessons and code
  • Helped facilitate weekly gols and progress in projects

Contributions to Project

Frontend Cover / CSS Page

  • FIFA inspired colors
  • HTML attribute buttons, open a pack page, linking buttons to different sections of the frontend

    AWS Deployment

  • Walked through deployment until certbot config
  • API and backend not setup properly, led to improper AWS setup
  • Learned about API setup before trying the deployment process again (With Aidan)
  • Aidan and I walked through each step together, deployed the backend successfully


  • Multiple merge errors encountered, worked out after sorting things out with merge editor


  • (Tried but failed) Created

    Previous API attempt / mistakes

  • No API model
  • Improper endpoints on frontend and backend
  • Over reliance on AI help for checking code
from flask import Flask, jsonify
from flask_cors import CORS  # Import CORS module

app = Flask(__name__)
CORS(app)  # Enable CORS for your app

# Define position values
CF = "Center Forward"

players = [
    (Player("Lionel Messi", CF, 90, 80, 87, 90, 94, 33, 64), 1 / 100),
    (Player("Cristiano Ronaldo", ST, 86, 85, 90, 75, 92, 45, 78), 1 / 86),
    (Player("Erling Haaland", ST, 91, 89, 93, 66, 80, 24, 88), 1 / 91),

@app.route('/get_random_player', methods=["GET"])
def get_random_player():
    random_player, _ = random.choices(players, weights=weights)[0]
    player_info = {
        "Position": random_player.pos,  
        "Overall": random_player.ovr, 
        "Pace": random_player.pac,  
        "Shooting": random_player.sho,  
        "Passing": random_player.pas,  
        "Dribbling": random_player.dri, 
        "Defense": random_player.defe,  
        "Physicality": random_player.phy  
    return jsonify(player_info)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Team Communication

  • Pushed to have team start on project and helped split workload on which parts needed more work
    Reflection / What I would improve
  • Better communication with team in order to keep each other in check and on task
  • Seek out more help from peers and teachers
  • API: Look into proper creation based on and understand API models and fetch functions
  • Figure out the error that we had last friday with “players”

My Favorite Types of Code / Most Understood Code


  • if, else, elif functions (Python Quiz)


  • Head, Body, and attributes

Treasure Hunt: Python

print("Welcome to my treasure hunt, answer all the questions right to receive the treasure! Let's begin")

def ask_question(question, correct_answers):
    while True:
        player_answer = input(question + " ").lower()
        if player_answer in correct_answers:
            print("Correct! Here's the next question...")
            return True
            print("WRONG ANSWER. But let's continue anyways...")
            return False

questions = 3
correct = 0

question1 = "What gets wet when drying?"
answer1 = ["towel", "a towel"]

question2 = "What has a head, a tail, but no body?"
answer2 = ["coin", "a coin"]

question3 = "This is as light as a feather, yet no one can hold it, what is it?"
answer3 = ["your breath", "breath"]

if ask_question(question1, answer1):
    correct += 1
if ask_question(question2, answer2):
    correct += 1
if ask_question(question3, answer3):
    correct += 1

print("Congratulations! You've completed the treasure hunt!")

score = correct
print("You scored " + str(score) + " / 3")

if score == 3:
    print("You get the big prize:")
elif score == 2:
    print("You get the medium prize")
    print("You did not score any correct answers, so you get no prize.")

Welcome to my treasure hunt, answer all the questions right to receive the treasure! Let's begin
Correct! Here's the next question...
Correct! Here's the next question...
WRONG ANSWER. But let's continue anyways...
Congratulations! You've completed the treasure hunt!
You scored 2 / 3
You get the medium prize

    <p style="color: red"><strong> MOVIE GALLERY 2023</strong></p>
        <div><img src="" alt="Creed 3" width=200 height=200> </div>
        <div><img src="" alt="GOTG 3" width=200 height=200> </div>         
        <a href="">
            <button id="Button">Equalizer 3</button>


Creed 3
</body> ## College Board Quiz - Lots of word problems - Code block diagrams - Searched up and researched code terms that were unfamiliar ## Pseudo Code - Outline of code that describes it step by step ex: if-- variable A = variable B + variable C: print(sum of B and C=A) else: print(sum of B and C not = A) ## Reflection on trimester 1 - Learned a lot on how to create a website - manage commiting and updating code - Customize and personalize website - Code languages like HTML, Python, Javascript